Welcome to CGPA Converter

Easily convert your CGPA to a percentage with our free online CGPA converter. Get accurate results in just a few clicks!

NCERT Books for Class XII

Download free PDFs of NCERT Class XII books for English medium for the academic year 2022-23

The NCERT Books for Class XII are invaluable for comprehending intricate subjects. Each topic is elucidated using simple language and accompanied by diagrams. The chapters in the CBSE Books for Class XII contain illustrative examples and practice problems, enabling students to master the concepts. NCERT Books are comprehensive and serve as the ultimate study resource for students.

NCERT Books are widely utilized in CBSE Schools nationwide. When preparing for CBSE Class 12 board exams, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of complex topics. If students have thoroughly studied NCERT books, utilized the NCERT Class 12 Solutions, and practiced the problems, they will be able to effortlessly tackle all types of questions, including 1-mark, 2-mark, and other intricate ones. Furthermore, a majority of the questions in the board exams are derived from the content presented in NCERT Books.

Online CGPA Converter​

Use this CGPA to Percentage converter tool to convert CGPA to Percentage easily.

Convert CGPA to Percentage


What is CGPA?

CGPA can also be referred to cumulative grade point average. It was introduced by the CCE, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation System (Class X). CGPA is the average grade point for student performance in all subjects, excluding any additional Subject. Grades are used to record the subject-wise performance of students.

Top Converters

CGPA To Percentage Calculator

Our CGPA to Percentage Calculator is a user-friendly tool that allows students to easily convert their CGPA to a percentage. Simply input your CGPA and our calculator will provide you with an accurate percentage score. Use it to track your academic progress and set goals for improvement!

VTU CGPA Calculator

Our VTU CGPA Calculator is a simple and efficient tool that allows students to calculate their CGPA for Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU). With our user-friendly interface, you can easily input your grades and get an accurate calculation of your CGPA. Stay on track with your academic goals!

KTU CGPA Calculator

Our KTU CGPA Calculator is a convenient tool that helps students calculate their CGPA for the Kerala Technological University (KTU). With our user-friendly interface, you can quickly input your grades and get an accurate calculation of your CGPA. Stay on top of your academic performance with ease!

SGPA To Percentage Converter

Our SGPA to Percentage Converter is a useful tool that allows students to convert their SGPA to a percentage score. With our easy-to-use interface, you can quickly input your SGPA and get an accurate percentage calculation. Stay on top of your academic progress with ease!

CBSE CGPA Calculator

Our CBSE CGPA Calculator is a reliable tool that helps students calculate their CGPA for the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) exams. With our easy-to-use interface, you can quickly input your grades and get an accurate calculation of your CGPA. Stay on track with your academic goals!

Accurate Calculation of CGPA

Our tool uses the latest grading systems and algorithms to ensure that your CGPA is calculated accurately.

Helpful Tips and Resources

Our website provides a range of helpful tips and resources to help you improve your academic performance, from study strategies to time management techniques.

Privacy and Security

We take privacy and security seriously and have designed our website with robust security measures to protect your data and ensure that your information is kept confidential.

CGPA Converter Tool

Easily convert your CGPA to percentage with our free online CGPA converter. Get accurate results in just a few clicks!
CGPA Converter

Why Choose Us?

Use our CGPA to Percentage converter tool to track your academic progress and set goals for improvement. Here are three reasons why you should choose us

User-friendly interface

Our tools have a simple and easy-to-use interface, making it convenient for you to input your grades and get accurate results.

Variety of converters

We offer a variety of converters for different universities and boards, such as VTU, KTU, CBSE, and more. This ensures that our users can get accurate results for their specific academic institution.

Free of cost

Our tools are completely free to use, making it accessible to all students who need to convert or calculate their CGPA.

Here are some reviews from our satisfied users

Try our CGPA Converter now and see the difference it makes in your academic journey

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Google Reviews
"I used the CGPA to Percentage Calculator to keep track of my academic progress and it was super easy to use. Highly recommend!"
Emma Hart
"The CBSE CGPA Calculator helped me plan my academic goals for the future. Thank you CGPA Converter!"
Eddie Johnson
"The SGPA to Percentage Converter is a lifesaver! I was able to calculate my percentage score quickly and accurately."
Jonathan Doe
"The KTU CGPA Calculator is a great tool for students at Kerala Technological University. Thanks CGPA Converter for making academic calculations so much easier!"
Mike Edward
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